The Lethe project – research and teaching resources

The LETHE project is focused on developing a useful digital tool for students and teachers who seek to explore the role that diverse cultures and social groups have had in the development of the current EU. Through these stories, the LETHE Project also aims to promote the development of critical historical thinking in digital environments through historical enquiry and object-based learning. This is where the LETHE project shows its full potential, as it aims to guide teachers to introduce multiculturalism and multiperspectivity in history lessons in active and creative ways. This project is aimed at both history teachers in Primary and Secondary Education and students aged 10 to 14 years.

The research project is lead by Dr Caitriona Ní Cassaithe, a lecturer in history education in the Institute of Education, St. Patrick’s Campus, Dublin City University. The project team are inviting teachers and students to take part in research into the Lethe learning resources. They would like participants to evaluate the platform and the materials for accessibility and suitability of content. Participants will be required to fill out a short questionnaire and have the option to attend a short interview to discuss the project materials. Students will be asked to fill in a short online survey also.

If you are interested in taking part in the research, download the Participant Information Sheet and/or contact Caitriona by email at

Further reading